Skyline Baptist Church has been an active part of the Madison community for over sixty years. We started as a mission in 1962 under the leadership of Bro. Wayne Bransom, who was sent out by Second Avenue Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. In those early days, the congregation met in the homes of its members as they had no building in which to gather. In 1963, the congregation began meeting in the old American Legion Home Post #37. On August 30, 1964, they bought two acres of land on Slaughter Road, and on October 28, 1964, the mission was organized under a new name: Skyline Missionary Baptist Church. Today, Skyline Baptist Church exists as a growing, multi-generational congregation comprised of people from various walks of life. We are united in our love for Christ and His mission to seek and to save the lost.

“…And the LORD added to the church daily such as should be saved.”
-Acts 2:47