Skyline offers a variety of opportunities to engage with the Word and like-minded believers outside of Sunday morning services.
Sunday School

Beginning at 10:00am on Sunday mornings (before the regular service) Sunday School classes for adults and children of all ages meet for a time of learning and prayer. We use the Bogard Press Sunday School curriculum.
Wednesday Nights at Skyline
Wednesday night services follow a small-group format. We begin with a fellowship supper at 6:00pm, followed by a short devotion and prayer at 6:45pm. At 7:00pm, small groups meet in various rooms throughout the building. Children in 1st-6th grade participate in AWANA Bible Clubs. Teens, young adults, and adults participate in book studies and other lessons taught by experienced and qualified Bible teachers.
Faith Bible Institute
Faith Bible Institute (FBI) is a non-profit educational program that offers enrolled students a three-year, comprehensive study through each book of the Bible and major Christian doctrines. Classes are held on Sunday nights at 6:30pm. For more information on FBI, please contact the church by filling out a form on the contact page.